Our Projects Our Projects - Creative BasildON

Our Projects

The Creative BasildON programme is built on multiple projects that aim to engage across all of our communities. These were inspired by a range of unique cultural activities that were developed and assessed before putting in the application for funding to Arts Council England

Alongside this, extensive community discussions were undertaken to ensure the activity is what local people want to see! 

Below, you can find more in-depth information about each of the core projects – however, please remember, we still need YOU to shape them.

Shine ON!

Click here to find out more about our Shine ON! Winter programme that ran from November 2023 – January 2024.

Field Artists

The new field artists website is now live! You can find out more about each individuals artist’s project and how they got on…

Young Pioneers

‘Young Pioneers’ is series of youth-led creative activities, developed through our creative skills development programme for 16-25 year olds, funded and supported by ReGeneration: 2013, a Creative Estuary project.

Supported by industry experts, our young pioneers developed their own project that uses creativity to drive change in their local areas – happening in February 2023.

Open Lab

Open Lab is one of Creative BasildON’s core programmes, that supports innovative and creative, community engagement projects within neighbourhoods or town centres.

Find out about our latest Open Lab commissions and opportunities.

Our Towns

Our Towns is an exciting project from Creative BasildON that brought incredible works of art to the streets of Basildon town centre. 

Eight world-class artists were partnered with local organisations to create murals inspired by Basildon, bringing conversation and colour to the walls of the town.

To find out more, visit: our-towns.com